Xbox One hard drive considered full at around 362GB of data [VIDEO]

One of my biggest gripes about the Xbox One is that its hard drive management is shrouded in mystery. Currently, the console doesn’t let users see how much disk space they have available and with all games requiring hard drive installs, this has caused a great deal of concern for people with large game collections.

The folks at IGN managed to install 20 games on an Xbox One’s stock 500GB drive and the console tapped out at around 362GB. Prior to its launch, Microsoft announced that the Xbox One will support external hard drives after a software update, which could resolve this issue, but the company has yet to provide any type of set date for such a thing.

In the meantime you may want to keep a tally of how many gigabytes your game installs are and watch out for that number of 362GB or prepare to start deleting and reinstalling files as needed.

Written by: Manuel

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